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                      您的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 環(huán)境試驗設備 > 高低溫濕熱交變試驗箱 > GT-T-80D低溫試驗箱








                      產(chǎn)品名稱 耐寒試驗箱、低溫試驗箱

                      Product name hardy test box, low temperature test cases

                      產(chǎn)品型號 GT-T-560D

                      The product model GT-T-560 D

                      產(chǎn)品數(shù)量 一臺

                      Product number one

                      產(chǎn)品品牌 高天

                      The product brand high day

                      生產(chǎn)廠家 高天試驗設備有限公司

                      Manufacturers high day test equipment Co., LTD

                      產(chǎn)品簡介 GT-T系列產(chǎn)品,耐寒試驗箱又名低溫試驗箱、環(huán)境試驗機,試驗各種材料耐熱、耐寒、耐干性能。適合電子、電器、食品、車輛、金屬、化學、建材等工廠之用。

                      Product introduction GT-T series products, hardy test box and name environment test enginery, testing materials heat resistance, cold resistance, resistance to dry performance. Suitable for electronics, electrical appliances, food, vehicles, metal, chemical and building materials factory with.

                      溫度范圍 -70℃ ~ +150℃

                      Temperature range-70 ℃ ~ + 150 ℃

                      控制穩(wěn)定度 ±0.5℃

                      Control stability + /-0.5 ℃

                      分布均勻度 ±2℃

                      ± 2 ℃ distribution uniformity

                      內部尺寸 W700×H800×D1000mm

                      Internal size W700 × H800 × D1000mm

                      升溫時間 -20℃ ~ +150℃約需 60分鐘

                      Warming 20 ℃ ~ + time-150 ℃ need about 60 minutes

                      降溫時間 20℃ ~ -70℃約需 90分鐘

                      20 ℃ ~ cooling time-70 ℃ about 90 minutes


                      Z高溫度 +150℃

                      The highest temperature limit temperature + 150 ℃

                      Z低溫度 -70℃

                      The lowest temperature-70 ℃

                      內箱材質 SUS #304 鏡面不銹鋼板

                      The inside case material SUS # 304 mirror stainless steel plate

                      外箱材質 SUS #304 沙紋不銹鋼板/特殊防銹處理之鋼板噴塑

                      Outside the box material SUS # 304 sand grain stainless steel plate/special antirust processing of the steel plate coating

                      保溫材質 PU 硬質發(fā)泡

                      PU heat preservation material hard foam

                      置物架 箱內設有高度可調之不銹鋼置物架 2個

                      Buy substance wears height is adjustable inside the case of stainless steel for content wearing two

                      腳架 機身底部裝設聚氨脂活動萬向車輪 4個

                      Fuselage bottom feet frame installed polyurethane activities universal wheel four

                      可調高度之平水腳杯 4個

                      Adjustable height of PingShui foot cup four

                      加熱器 采用不銹鋼鰭片式散熱管U形加熱管

                      Heaters adopt Taiwan imported stainless steel SanReGuan fins chip u-shaped heating tube

                      運風機 臺制馬達加長軸芯配多翼式鋁合金風輪

                      The fan motor axis machine system extension core with the rotor wing type aluminum alloy

                      迫緊 硅膠發(fā)泡迫緊1條

                      Forced tight silica gel foaming force tight article 1

                      箱門 單門, 左開, 雙層門

                      The ChanMen, left open, double-layer door


                      Two layers of vacuum glass increase window product observation window 350 x 200 x 400 mm

                      電熱自動除霧, “PHILIP"照明燈管

                      Electric heating automatic except the mist, import "PHILIP" lighting lamp



                      Protection device 1. Heating empty fen protection switch


                      2. Compressor overpressure protection switch


                      3. Compressor overload over-current protection switch


                      4. Phase lack protection switch


                      5. No melting silk overload protector


                      壓縮機 ~ 原裝“泰康"牌全封閉式壓縮機

                      The refrigeration system compressor ~ imported French "taikang" brand the fully closed compressor

                      冷凝器 ~ 鰭片式附臺制散熱風機

                      The condenser to the fins attached a cooling fan of chip

                      蒸發(fā)器 ~ 鰭片式多段自動負載容量調整

                      Evaporator ~ fins chip more paragraphs to be automatic load capacity adjustment

                      膨脹閥 ~ 原裝組件

                      Expansion valves to imported components

                      冷 媒 ~ 環(huán)保型冷凍雪種

                      Cold media to environmental protection of the frozen snow

                      附 件 ~ 干燥劑, 由分離器等………

                      Attach a ~ desiccant, such as by separator.........


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                      版權所有 ©2024 湖北高天試驗設備有限公司  備案號:鄂ICP備12000364號-3

                      您是湖北高天試驗設備有限公司(m.pke0w9q.com)第539734位訪問者  技術支持:儀表網(wǎng)  管理登陸

                      鄂公網(wǎng)安備 42011202000528號

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